Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
Check what we can offer in these fields
Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
Check what we can offer in these fields
📄Interesting recent publication📄
4 Oct 2022
Determining the Characteristics of Farms That Raise Pigs without Antibiotics
🐖 📉 Reduced and responsible antimicrobial use leads to a lower risk of developing antimicrobial resistance. One way to achieve this is to raise animals without antibiotics (RWA). This study described the criteria for a Belgian RWA program for pigs and evaluated whether farms could achieve and maintain this status. The study also identified possible differences between RWA and non-RWA farms. 🐖