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Ward De Spiegelaere


+32 9 264 77 38

Ward De Spiegelaere

Laboratory of Veterinary Morphology

Prof Ward De Spiegelaere is a member of the laboratory of Veterinary Morphology. His research group has two main research areas: oncology in pets and wound healing. Within the oncology research, the focus is on mast cell tumours and sarcomas in dogs. We aim to better understand the pathology of tumours and metastases to find novel biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for these conditions. The methods used, are histology, sequencing, and in vitro experiments using cell culture and the chicken chorioallantoic membrane model.

The research group is also conducting research on exuberant wound healing in horses. Here, we aim to understand the mechanism of chronic fibrotic wound healing to seek an effective therapeutic approach.

The laboratory of Veterinary Morphology has a number of in-house techniques:

A histology and electron microscopy facility

The chicken chorioallantoic membrane model, which is used for oncological research with tumour explants, but can also be used for tissue engineering research (collaboration with Prof Annelies Declercq) and for toxicological research.

Prof De Spiegelaere heads the digital PCR centre at UGent (DIGPCR). This centre of expertise forms a core facility for dPCR, conducts research on data analysis and on applications of dPCR. 

Laser capture microdissection is used for spatial transcriptomics and proteomics research. At the lab there is an LCM apparatus.

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